The DC method works very well too, I'm not sure if it induces growth by hyperplasia or not, all I know is I've seen great improvement (it's painful though).
Try doing standing calves raises one leg at a time on a block or stair holding a dumbell. Thats all I do. 10-20 reps, 2 sets once a week any calves are now 18"! They use to be toothpicks.
I've doing this exercise for years. I seen a pic of Arnold doing them and ever since..Im hooked. I use anywhere from 25lb-85lb dumbell. with your arm at your side you hold the dumbell at the side you are using for the calves raise and hold on to something with your other hand. I use a 3-2-3 tempo.
Are you doing them for bodybuilding or for a sport? If for something like football, basketball, or hockey... I wouldnt worry too much about them because they are barely used. Just do squats deads and sprints and they will grow along with the rest of your legs.
football, basketball, not use your claves, where did you get that info from. ever heard of plyometrics, almost every sport uses them, guess what muscle group they hit the hardest? CALVES
Find a weight that you can do around 25 reps with.
Go until you're totally smoked. Stop and rest for 5-7 seconds. Go until you're smoked again. Take 5-7 second rest. Continue this until you hit 75. Even if you're only doing a couple at a time between rests, get to 75(you should be down to only a couple very hard ones by this time). If its too easy at 75, go to 100 and increase the weight next time.
Just one set of those and you're good to go. Calves are the only muscle group you can do this with. I promise you'll be happy with this.