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My wife has asked for my help in putting together some of her workouts. Specifically in legs she needs help with her glute/hamstring tie-ins and shaping (not enlarging her glutes). She already has killer quads and pretty good hams.
She used to squat regularly, however she hasn't squatted seriously for some time.
This morning I told her we'd be doing squats in our leg workout; me narrow and to parallel to emphasise quads, her wide and ass to ground to emphasise hams/glutes.
She's used to narrow squatting and has had 2 C-sections since she squatted regularly (she still does weighted lunges, stiff-legged, etc., so she's not out of shape by any means).
She's concerned about two things:
1) Since the C-sections, she's not been using her lower abs properly; within the last 6 months, she's been going to pilates and physical therapy to correct the problem, but there's still a significant imbalance between upper/lower abs. She's worried that her squatting form will be compromised by the imbalance.
2) She can't get ATG with a narrow stance, so I'm suggesting a wide stance to get low; she's worried that by going wide, it will widen her hips.
Basically, she's not wanting to do squats, but I feel that they are such a powerful exercise, it's almost a crime to drop them from the leg arsenal. She will do them, but I need to make sure that they will do what she wants -- improve the glute/ham tie-ins, shape the ass -- but not widen the hips, exacerbate her muscle imbalance.
I need info and suggestions on these topics. Are wide-legged ATG squats a good prescription here?
She used to squat regularly, however she hasn't squatted seriously for some time.
This morning I told her we'd be doing squats in our leg workout; me narrow and to parallel to emphasise quads, her wide and ass to ground to emphasise hams/glutes.
She's used to narrow squatting and has had 2 C-sections since she squatted regularly (she still does weighted lunges, stiff-legged, etc., so she's not out of shape by any means).
She's concerned about two things:
1) Since the C-sections, she's not been using her lower abs properly; within the last 6 months, she's been going to pilates and physical therapy to correct the problem, but there's still a significant imbalance between upper/lower abs. She's worried that her squatting form will be compromised by the imbalance.
2) She can't get ATG with a narrow stance, so I'm suggesting a wide stance to get low; she's worried that by going wide, it will widen her hips.
Basically, she's not wanting to do squats, but I feel that they are such a powerful exercise, it's almost a crime to drop them from the leg arsenal. She will do them, but I need to make sure that they will do what she wants -- improve the glute/ham tie-ins, shape the ass -- but not widen the hips, exacerbate her muscle imbalance.
I need info and suggestions on these topics. Are wide-legged ATG squats a good prescription here?