Hi guys,
Thank you for all your quick replies!
My ultimate goal is to LBM and lose fat. I've been training for years, and now I think I'm ready to take it to another level. I want that hard look that you only get after a good work out, but unfortunately that only lasts for a few hours.
BM----I would love to compete one day, just can't make that kind of commitment at the moment. Due to my hectic schedule and everything else, I'm afraid I won't be able to give 100%.
I've been taking ECA on and off for the past year. We all know there is no magic pill... it just gives me a ton of energy. I could work out for hours and still feel good. OHH, I only take it ones or twice a day, otherwise I'll have a hard time sleeping.
My diet is on check most of the time. I understand that i would have to be very very strict when I go on var. Which I could do, no problem.
Here is a sample of my diet:
Am--before work out
-1 green apple
After work out ((I soo look forward to this meal.. lol)
--4 eggs (scrambled or boiled) 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
shredded wheat
or oatmeal with blueberries
--Chicken/tuna with veggies
or a salad
1 sweet potato + fruit
--Chicken with a salad or veggies + Fruit
(if i feel slugish sometimes, I will have a sweet potato)
--Fruit or APB or Almonds
--Fruit again or cottage cheese
As you could tell I love my fruits lol...I'm not going to starve myself. I've done that in the past, didn't take me very far. If I feel hungry, I'll eat, just make sure it's a healthy choice. Throughout the years, I've learned to listen to my body.
Water Water
Glass of wine sometimes...( this will have to go when on var)
Coffee from Dunkin Donuts every sunday...ones a week it's not that bad, it's good for your mental health lol
Work outs:
I train like a maniac. Started doing ironwing's schedule today, the 4 day thing. I hope you don't mind girlie

I was doing 6 days on, one off and sometimes twice a day. I'd do my cardio in the afternoon, ride my bike or jog.
hmm I think I pretty much covered it.
Let me know if my diet is any good...
One more question..
Has anyone experienced hairloss? I'm very afraid to lose my hair.
Thank you all