New member
I was wondering if someone can check over my diet and see why im stuck at a plateau. So I am currently 26 yo 202lbs 11% bf and 6ft tall and have not been able to add any size, strength, or endurance to my lifts since 2009 when I did my last AAS cycle. Goal is the pack on lean mass and get back down to 8-9 % bf and have my mass back.
I train 7 days a week. M W F I run 4-7 miles every morning, and on T, TH, SA, SN i am in the gym doing heavy weight training, and M-F at night I do Cross Fit at my buddies box.
I calculated my daily required caloric intake to be 3600 calories a day, and I have been taking in 2 to 2.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight, 1 gallon plus of water a day.
Mornings (After Run or Workout 0700):
25g Protein Shake
8 oz Yogurt
1/2 cup oats
Met-rx Colossal Bar
Lunch 1130:
12 Inch Tuna (Sub or spinach wrap)
Large Serving of veggies
50g Protein Shake
Dinner (2000 after workout)
George Forman large serving 16 oz or >of either (salmon, turkey burgers, steak, veal)
50g Protein Shake
4 egg whites
2/3 cup oatmeal
I train 7 days a week. M W F I run 4-7 miles every morning, and on T, TH, SA, SN i am in the gym doing heavy weight training, and M-F at night I do Cross Fit at my buddies box.
I calculated my daily required caloric intake to be 3600 calories a day, and I have been taking in 2 to 2.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight, 1 gallon plus of water a day.
Mornings (After Run or Workout 0700):
25g Protein Shake
8 oz Yogurt
1/2 cup oats
Met-rx Colossal Bar
Lunch 1130:
12 Inch Tuna (Sub or spinach wrap)
Large Serving of veggies
50g Protein Shake
Dinner (2000 after workout)
George Forman large serving 16 oz or >of either (salmon, turkey burgers, steak, veal)
50g Protein Shake
4 egg whites
2/3 cup oatmeal