G Lapagola
New member
well me and my friend were discussing weight training for mass. he is determined that push/pull in the same day is the best thing that can be done. his thinking is that if your do chest/tris in the same day you are cheating your tris b/c they are already getting a workout from bench. so he says you should do chest/bis and back/tris, and then on leg day do both tris and bis b/c there is so much more blood flowing through your body that nutrients are readily available for your arms. thats what he thinks, not me. he also believes in doing 5 sets on every exercise. the other day he spent 2.5 hours in the gym, and that was with out any cardio. he also doesnt believe in doing any thing for traps or shoulders, and will never do deadlifts, my favorite exercise btw. i know ive read that you should keep your work out under an hour, 90 minutes tops. we are both lifting for size so almost all sets are to failure. anything i can tell this kid, or am i the stupid one? thanks for the help.