This might make it easier:
Ok so I have this dilemma. I'm on sust right now, 250mg every 4:th day and gaining on this small amount. I've been on and off since 1½ years back(done 10 weeker, went of 8 weeks, did a 6 weeker, went off 7 weeks and so on) so I never know If I fully recovered(used HCG and sexdrive back to normal).
Now, my dilemma. I just decided to go for a show in December, starting the cutting in a few weeks. I first thought to stepp off my cycle, run PCT and so, but that would mean right now that I would have to stepp off while cutting.
The choices I have now are these:
1: Continue until december, then stepp off(low doses only to maintain what have, runt HCG every 3-4:th week while on, doing EQ 300mg Every Week, sust 250mg Every 4:th, drop the sust and contnue with winny 4 weeks from november.
2: Stepp off, run HCG and CLomid/Nolvadex + avena + tribulus. Then in the middle of october go on low dose EQ and winny for 6 weeks.
3: run 10mg dbol untill december, during this time running HCG, clomid and so on as for PCT(I know some have recovered while taking this small amount, these are my friends and they did a blood test).
My consern lies in the fact I've been on a long time, on and off that is, in health condsern would continue the cycle make a big deal... A 4:th alternative would be runnning PCT + avena + tribulus and continue with avena and tribulus untill december.
What the hell should do..