i know what you mean, bicep tendinitis is a bitch. i have problems in most of my joints thanks to high school football, and stupid ingorant 95% everyworkout training administered by coaches who know nothing about strength. ive never used capsacin but i am using horse liniment made by absorbine, i think it works really well, i think it actually helps my joints warmup and its not just a masking agent or whatever, without it i dont think i could get under the squat bar or get thriugh some bench stuff. i get it for like 8.50 at TSC for 16 ounces, i just bought one a couple weeks ago, but its almost gone becuase on bench days i forget to hide it after i put it on and it gets passed around like that mystersiously popular girl at school. oh well. it doenst burn as much as it used to when i started using it but i think it really gets in there and warms it up reall good.