Well, my partner isn't a
man, but I have had some comments from my gf that my thighs have become too "thick" and she preferred my legs more slender.
BUT, she also gets a thrill out of the comments I get about being "buff" from people, and she says she totally supports me in my efforts if that's what makes me happy. She also said she's totally impressed at how I just decided this was what I wanted to do, and then WENT for it, with almost total dedication.
On the other hand, when I whine about having no time to do anything, she's very quick to point out that I have plenty of time, but just choose to spend it in the gym. She complains sometimes about not being able to spontaneously go to a restaurant, or that we don't go clubbing anymore, but I'm learning how to juggle things better.
She was unhappy when I changed gyms, but still supported me. She mainly didn't want to be lonely when she goes to train, and wanted me to be there to check her form. She solved this by getting to know others in the gym.
She has said she doesn't want me to get "huge", and doesn't want me to compete beyond next year, and doesn't want me to lose my breasts! (Oh well, you sacrifice some things ...)
But she loves that I can carry heavy things, replace her curtain rods, fix her bike, cook, clean, sew, and take out garbage!