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growth, clen, T-3 and steroids


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A quick users guide: Growth hormone and steroid cycles.

Growth Hormone is a single chain polypeptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It’s a combination of 191 amino acids set in an exact order to make its formation. Years ago it was made from the corpus of dead people. Of course as of recently; it is developed in a lab. GH is involved in MANY different hormonal processes that include reducing insulin sensitivity, fat burning, reproduction, regulating basal body temperature, hair and nail growth, protecting the immune system, bone growth/formation and the main reason bodybuilders use it for which is muscle growth. The most common effect reported from using GH is an increase in a sense of overall well being. People seem to feel a lot younger when taking it on a daily basis. HGH secretes most during high intensity exercise, sleep. During the first few hours of sleep, Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone peaks while Somastatin levels drop. Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone is responsible for releasing HGH and IGF-1 levels. When GHRH and IGF-1 levels are too high, the body creates the negative feedback loop which stops the release of both hormones. High levels of Somastatin cause a dramatic increase in IGF-1 levels which stops the release of HGH. Somastatin is usually obtained from low blood glucose levels. Ghrelin binds to the receptors on somatotrophs and dramatically stimulates the secretion of Human Growth Hormone. The Ghrelin signal is combines with the growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin to control the timing and level of growth hormone secretion. Human Growth hormone also stimulates triglyceride hydrolysis in adipose tissue, which usually produces notable fat loss during usage of HGH. HGH also increases glucose output in the liver, and stimulates insulin resistance by blocking the activity of this hormone in those specific targeted cells. HGH increases absorption of protein and other macro/micro nutrients, it also speeds up the metabolism fast enough to start burning fat. HGH builds muscle and burns fat at the same time; it will GREATLY enhance the results you are seeking, and can be used on and off cycle.

Different Method Dosing Protocols

HGH dosing Protocol 1: Daily Injections

There are a many ways to take most chemicals and what usually is considered the proper way is frequently just the most common method of usage. The most common method may not work well for you but may work wonders for others. That is why experience will guide you through dosing, of course start off with the minimum dosage. Assuming that one’s GH is of legit quality and has been stored properly; there should not be any reason for one to use more than 4 IU’s a day. Most people use higher dosages only because their GH has degraded overtime or maybe degraded during shipping. Any dosage more than 4 IU’s will be a waste and GH is not cheap so one should use wisely. Most athletes and bodybuilders have received great results using 2-3 IU’s a day. Usually 4 IU’s is what most people will go on average if using it for recovery purposes. Again I repeat, when taking a new substance, one should always start low and then work their way up. Once the body gets accustomed to a certain dosage, one needs to bump up the dosage. Keep in mind that once the body achieves tolerance, they cannot go back to the same dosage or to a lower dosage because it will have no effect on the body.

So keeping in mind the ramp up method and using the daily injection method here is what a typical once per day ramp up
strategy should look like.

Weeks 1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
Week 5 = HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
Week 6 = HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each injection
Week 7 = HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each injection
And so on till you have reached your desired dose.

HGH dosing protocol of 3times a week method

This method involves taking HGH three times over the course of one week instead of taking it daily. So basically one’s dosages would be 3 times more than what one was originally taking while using this method; each dose should be taken immediately post workout intra-muscular unlike most HGH injections that are taken sub q. Even though the dosages will be high, the days in between MAY prevent tolerance according to some experts. I personally find this method of using HGH to be misleading since tolerance could occur since the body can feel the effects of HGH up to three days, and I am not talking about the half life but rather the metabolic effects that occur post administration of HGH. This method rules out the usage of insulin but not anabolics and thyroid ancillaries.

The 5 day on 2 day off method

You will hear about the 5 on 2 off method, that is same as the daily injection method above, except this method is not going to keep the metabolic processes fresh in the body like people think. It’s a recommended method just so that one can save some money by doing 5 injections a week vs. 7 days and still get the same results. I feel taking daily injections will be best unless you have access Serostim.

Additives to your HGH Cycle

Testosterone, Insulin, thyroid medication, and ancillaries are not needed but are helpful during a run of HGH. Using HGH provokes the body to use more Insulin, Androgens, and thyroid hormones. HGH and Testosterone used together work well since HGH creates bone formation/structure along with ligament regeneration, while testosterone strengthens the bone and increases muscle mass. Both Testosterone and HGH increase protein synthesis allowing one to gain dramatic increases in LBM and strength along with faster recovery. Both hormones also give one a better sense of well being. Taking T3 or T4 will allow for one’s body to continue to increase its thermogenic effects, which will result in greater amounts of fat loss. I only recommend a low dose of any thyroid hormone, higher doses can result in suppression of the thyroids hormones. Insulin has been shown to drop post injection of HGH/GH. Usage of Insulin is important as it can increase receptor sensitivity to IGF-1. It also reduces levels of IGF binding protein-1 allowing for freer circulating IGF-1; realize growth hormone itself also lowers IGF binding protein levels.


Now that you have a vial HGH in the form of lyophilized powder (most common). The amount of this powder should be indicated on the vial’s label. It will usually come in Units (IU’s) but at times it may appear in Milligrams (mg). If it is stated in milligrams, the conversion is most commonly stated as 1mg = ~2.7-3IU’s.

You need to do add some Bacteriostatic water with this lyophilized to reconstitute it so that it would be ready to be injected into you subcutaneously (sub.q).
What we choose to reconstitute it with should depend on how rapidly we use the GH. Bacteriostatic water is basically sterile water with 0.9% Benzyl Alcohol added, and this Alcohol keeps bacterias from growing in the water, making it safe/clean for injection for the longest amount of time, up to three weeks. If the amount of GH in our vial is enough to last for a few weeks at our preferred daily dosage, Bac Water is the wisest choice. For the common use for bodybuilding (3-5 IU’s a day) and the more commonly used vial size (10 IU’s), it isn’t really as important in which of the above listed dilutents are used. The vial will be used up before bacteria or anything begins to grow in one’s reconstituted HGH.

1.) Take an alcohol cotton swab and scrub the stopper of both your HGH vial and the vial of the dilutent (Bac Water).

2.) Use a 3cc syringe with a 23 or 25 gauge needle (1in. or 1.5in.) to draw up the ideal amount of your chosen dilutent. Make sure you know exactly how much you have used. The best rule of thumb is choose an amount that will make measuring the final product easy.

1ml(cc) per 10 IU vial of HGH would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1 IU of HGH

2ml(cc) added to a 10 IU vial of HGH would mean that the 20 mark on a U100 syringe would equal 1 IU of HGH

3ml(cc) added to a 10 IU vial of HGH would mean that the 30 mark on a U100 syringe would equal 1 IU of HGH

3.) With the same syringe with the dilutent and push it into the vial of lyophilized powder, angling so that the needle touches the side of the vial, and avoid shooting the dilutent directly onto the lyophilized powder. Allow it to run slowly down the side of the vial, basically it should not be violently flowing.
4.) Once all of the dilutent has been added to the HGH vial, gently stir (again do NOT violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The HGH is now ready for use. Store your reconstituted HGH in the refrigerator for later use. If you used Bac Water to reconstitute your HGH, it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be good for about 5-7 days.


In order to know how to measure the desired amount out for injection, you will want to use a U100 insulin syringe to draw out and inject your HGH. Here is the way to figure out how much to draw out

1ml = 1cc = 100 IU’s

So we take our number of IU’s of HGH from the label of the dry lyophilized powder (most commonly 10 IU’s for all of the Jintropin users), and we divide that into the amount of dilutent we used.

example- We used 1cc(ml) of water. We have a 10 IU vial of HGH.
From our formula above we know that 1cc = 100 IU’s, so we have 100 IU’s of water. We now divide the 100 IU’s (the amount of our water) by 10 IU’s (the amount of our HGH) 100 IU / 10 IU = 10 . This 10 will perfectly correspond with the markings on a U100 insulin syringe. In our example every 10 mark on our syringe will equal 1 IU of HGH. If you want to draw out 2 IU’s of HGH, then draw out to the 20 mark on the syringe. So again, these are the steps one should go over when receiving their HGH

1.) How much actual HGH are you dealing with (read from the vial)?
2.) How much water (dilutent) are you using to add to the actual HGH?
3.) Divide the amount of water in units by the amount of HGH in units.
4.) This result will equal the measurement on your U100 Insulin syringe per unit of HGH.
5.) Multiply the number you get in step 4 by how many units you want to inject at that moment. This is the number to draw to on your syringe.

Now that we have covered the basics of growth hormone use lets look over some common growth hormone and steroid cycles.

Beginner GH and steroid cycle:bulking
1-12 testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate: 250mg twice a week
Monday and Thursday
1-12 Deca-Durabolin: 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday
1-4 Dianabol 30mg every day in the morning.
1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
5 HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
6 HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
7 HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each injection
8-12 4. IU's split into two injections of 2. IU's every day.
You may continue using growth hormone through out pct for as long as you like up to 6 months or longer.

Beginner GH and steroid cycle: Cutting
1-12 Testosterone prop: 100mg every other day
1-12 Trenbolone Acetate: 75mg every other day
6-12 Winstrol: 50mg every day (oral form is best to cut down on injections)
1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
5 HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
6 HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
7 HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each injection
8-12 4. IU's split into two injections of 2. IU's every day.
You may continue using growth hormone through out pct for as long as you like up to 6 months or longer. With this cycle you can inject both the test prop and the tren ace at the same time. This will cut down on the amount of injections through ot the cycle.

Advanced GH and steroid cycle: bulking
1-14 Sustanon 250: 250mg 3 times a week Monday,Wensday, and Thursday.
1-12 Equipoise: 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday
1-10 Deca-Durabolin: 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday
1-10 12.5mcg T-3 post work out every day.
1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
5 HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
6 HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
7 HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each injection
8-12 4. IU's split into two injections of 2. IU's every day.
You may continue using growth hormone through out pct for as long as you like up to 6 months or longer.

Advanced GH and steroid cycle: Cutting
1-15 testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate 250mg twice a week monday and Thursday
1-14 primabolan: 100mg every other day
1-14 Masterone: 100mg every other day
1-6 Winstrol 50mg every day
1-14 T-3 (see Chart 1)
1-4 and 8-12 ( see chart 2)
1-4 = HGH 2 IU’s one injection
5 HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
6 HGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
7 HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each injection
8-12 4. IU's split into two injections of 2. IU's every day.
You may continue using growth hormone through out pct for as long as you like up to 6 months or longer.

Chart 1:
When using T-3 for this cycle you want to start out at a dose of 12.5mcg every day. Then ramp up 12.5mcg every 3 days till you reach a dose of 75mcg every day. Stay at that does for 3 to 4 weeks and then ramp down in the same way you ramped up. Keep in mind you want to split your doses up into 2 or 3 doses a day. Example
Day 1-3 12.5mcg every day
Day 4-7 12.5mcg twice a day Morning and Afternoon
Day 8-10 12.5mcg 3 times a day Morning, Afternoon, and night
Day 11-13 25mcg Morning. Then 12.5mcg Afternoon and night
Day 14-16 25mcg Morning and After noon. 12.5mcg Night
Day 17-19 25mcg Morning, afternoon, and night
Stay at a dose of 25mcg morning, afternoon, and night for 4 weeks and then start to ram down the same way you ramps up. Taking away 12.5mcg every day.

Cart 2.
For weeks 4-8 and weeks 8-12 You will be using Clen. When dosing clen you will want to start out with 3 20mcg doses a day and move up 20mcg every 3 days till you reach 140mcg max. Always spread the dosing out over 3 doses a day 4 to 6 hours
apart. Never go above 140mcg and always only go up 20mcg every 3 days. Once you reach 140mcg stick to that dose for the rest of the time you are on the clen cycle. 4 weeks on 4 weeks off is the best and most effective way to use clen. The cycle would look like this

Day# Morning/noon/night
1 20/20/20
2 20/20/20
3 40/20/20
4 40/20/20
5 40/40/20
6 40/40/20
7 40/40/40
8 40/40/40
9 40/40/40
10 60/40/40
once you get to this dose just stay here till the end. Never go above this. Once you reach the end of 4 weeks just discontinue using the clen. Start the process again 4 weeks later during weeks 8 through 12.
very nicely done need to - u should start a board where all it is are stickies like this with suggested cycles. but then again they might be used for evil instead of good :evil::evil::evil::evil:
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