TO HELL WITH ALL THE CALCULATION BS! WHY? I didn't bother to calculate the protein consumption per body-weight. I went from a skinny 165lb to 215lb. just by eating three meals a day and a protein drink mornings, afternoons, and evenings for two straight years. I lost 15 pounds from laziness and not going to the gym. I'm at 200lb. and I'm going to try to reach 260lb. or more by January, 2018. I shouldn't have any problems reaching my goal except for external forces acting upon me such as getting into a car accident, getting mugged and killed, or getting hit by a bus, train, or a stray bullet in this fucked-up city.
I accomplished the weight gain without the use of any steroid! Now, with the addition of oral steroids, prohormones, and injections, I may be able to cut the time in half.
My metabolism appears to be fine according to my last blood test and urinalysis back in May. So the green light is on for August 2, 2015 9AM Sunday!!!