Ahhhhhhhh the prodigal daughter returns! Glad to see you back.
May I ask your age? I don't think I saw that.
You mention that you feel better on low carb, less bloat, etc but I am looking at what you ate and that whole McDonald's Taco thing would send me straight to the couch with pain no doubt. Why did you not opt for a salad with chicken or some such? I mean, McDonald's salads blow chunks (as far as epicure is concerned) but they will not sit so heavily in your stomach as the meal that you consumed.
Eating low carb should not be a chore. I mean, I eat like that most oft but if I know I am going to hit the gym for a heavy leg workout or hour long session in the pool, I have no issue carbing up with some pasta (not main portion of meal, but I rarely eat any) and/or bread etc... just try to eat cleaner, less processed. When you hit the fast food chains goodness only knows what was done to that food, all the chemicals, additives.