I've been getting into German porn and they have it down pretty good. Chicks are hot, guys are hung, fisting is common, and money shots are delivered to the proper places.
That's what I find weird about Germany. They have a huge porn industry yet they won't let kids play games that have any violence or sexual contact. You can't tell me the kids are just blind to the huge ass porn industry they have.
from Warp2
"Many if you may know that Germany has very strict law's regarding youth protection against violence, explicit sexual content and other material in the media (TV, Movies, Games, Print etc.). However these laws prohibit games like Command & Conquer: Generals, Unreal Tournament 2003, Soldier of Fortune series, Quake series and a lot of other great games to be sold, advertised, displayed or reviewed in public. Retailers may sell the products to adults under the counter but they mostly don't, because they don't even know there's an 'uncut' original version.
The content of games in monitored by a circle of people in the Bundespruefstelle fuer jugendgefaehrdende Medien. Germany goes a seperate way in judging video games and rating them although there is a pan-european solution, ELSPA.
I've never really been down with the whole fisting thing.
When I was a little kid, I saw my dad try to save a horse suffering from impaction. As a last ditch effort, he put on a long sleeved plastic glove, reached up its ass shoulder deep, and dragged out as much manure as he could. The horse died anyway.
I've seen too many animals delivered also.
Fisting just doesn't seem sexy to me. Funny, that.
That's what I find weird about Germany. They have a huge porn industry yet they won't let kids play games that have any violence or sexual contact. You can't tell me the kids are just blind to the huge ass porn industry they have.
from Warp2
"Many if you may know that Germany has very strict law's regarding youth protection against violence, explicit sexual content and other material in the media (TV, Movies, Games, Print etc.). However these laws prohibit games like Command & Conquer: Generals, Unreal Tournament 2003, Soldier of Fortune series, Quake series and a lot of other great games to be sold, advertised, displayed or reviewed in public. Retailers may sell the products to adults under the counter but they mostly don't, because they don't even know there's an 'uncut' original version.
The content of games in monitored by a circle of people in the Bundespruefstelle fuer jugendgefaehrdende Medien. Germany goes a seperate way in judging video games and rating them although there is a pan-european solution, ELSPA.
Wow.....some good fuckin legislation. Freedon for the adults and protecting the children. I like it.
Always thought it was crazy to say that extreme violence is cool for kids but sex is bad for everybody.
In America..........blood and guts = good. Tits and sex = illegal. I gave up on this country when I seen cops literally take girls to jail for lifting their shirts for a second. We have so many cops and rangers at the big parties that I rarely attend. Great for the economy.
I've never really been down with the whole fisting thing.
When I was a little kid, I saw my dad try to save a horse suffering from impaction. As a last ditch effort, he put on a long sleeved plastic glove, reached up its ass shoulder deep, and dragged out as much manure as he could. The horse died anyway.
I've seen two many animals delivered also.
Fisting just doesn't seem sexy to me. Funny, that.
I've been getting into German porn and they have it down pretty good. Chicks are hot, guys are hung, fisting is common, and money shots are delivered to the proper places.