XTC_UK, Not shittin' about the taste, bro... my good friend actually thought I was joking with him when I told him about it in IM... later I was referring to it and he was like, "Dude, I thought you were joking!"
Distortion, I've used skim milk and I've used water. The more milk you use, the thicker it'll be, 1%, 2%, and whole milke make it that much thicker, and crushed ice will thicken anything up. If you have like a Britta or something like that, the water will be plenty cold. Mix 4-6oz refrigerated water, 4-6oz skim milk with 3 to 4 scoops of 3/60, it should come out pretty thin. One more thing, the longer you blend, the thicker it gets.
Distortion, I've used skim milk and I've used water. The more milk you use, the thicker it'll be, 1%, 2%, and whole milke make it that much thicker, and crushed ice will thicken anything up. If you have like a Britta or something like that, the water will be plenty cold. Mix 4-6oz refrigerated water, 4-6oz skim milk with 3 to 4 scoops of 3/60, it should come out pretty thin. One more thing, the longer you blend, the thicker it gets.