I condone circumcism because I have a 17 year old cousin that was not circumsized and when he was small, when his mom would wash him, he would cry when she pulled back his foreskin to wash him. He actually cried and he was 4 or 5 years old. Why do that to a little boy. I have 3 sons and all 3 of them are circumsized just from that experience. I did not do it for science, I did not do it for religion I did not do it because it "looks" better. I did it so, in the long run they would not be in any more pain than they are for 5 minutes that they have the circumcism. You see, when they got over the initial pain of the circumcism. It did not bother them. All I had to do was put a little vaseline on the penis and a bit of gauze to keep it from sticking to their diaper. They did not even flinch when I did this. So, do I regret getting them circumsized...no....do i ever think they will regret my decision in getting them circumsized......no.