SoKlueles said:
at birth....i am the owner of everything that child has. I am everything to that child.He is not old enough to make decisions of foreskin or not foreskin on his own.
And same for tonsils.....he was sick....we had them removed. It wasnt his decision...if it was his, he would be sick all the time and not have them removed. IT wasnt his decision. He was 5. SO00000 out they came. We did what was best for him in the long run. Thats what parents do. We make decisions that need to be made. If we let him make the decision when he is 18. It hurts him worse.
Wow, this is disturbing to read that a human regardless of gender feels they have POSSESSION over another human just because they brought that child to life. I think you are a quite clueless for sure! Do you feel that you, the mother, is the only one who is "the everything" to that child? What about the father? You didn't bring the child into this world alone.
Yes, your child is not old enough to make decisions. Yes, as a parent you are everything that child has. You are responsible for the child's wellbeing, safety as well as everything else, but this does not make you OWN this person. You own furniture, cars, a house, clothing but NOT people.
Circumsion is one of the most cruel things we as a society do to children. We feel that its best for the child when in reality its MUTILATION. You are mutilating, altering, changing something that wouldn't be there if it didn't have a purpose. Would you like something about you changed, mutilated, altered just because you felt it had no purpose or it would cause you less pain (or so those who are responsible for you think
)? Circumsion should be considered abuse. Why should circumsing a male be okay in our society but if the same was done to a female then it would be considered abuse. Ever wonder why? Its the same thing whether done to a female or male. Its abuse!
Spanking, smacking your children is abuse. I don't care what anyone says. How would you like to be hit just because you did something that was wrong or did something that did not please your parents. Teaching authority does not have to mean spanking your child. You can effectively teach your children these very same things without every laying a hand on them. What I find interesting is those parents who spank their children but yet when that same child hits another person becuase they were doing something that they didn't like for whatever reason then they teach that child not to hit. Hypocritical!
Spanking does
NOT teach children anything at all. They do not learn that whatever action they made to cause a spanking was wrong for such and such reason. It does not help them think about what they did or anything. It
does make children see what they can't do to receive a spanking. So in a sense they fear the person who spanks them.
Its amazing how licenses are required to drive, perform certain types of employment,etc. but yet they allow anyone no matter how ignorant or uneducated to have children.
Perhaps you should visit a local Florida Department of Children and Families in St. Pete to really learn what abuse is. They offer classes every Saturday on abuse and neglect. You may actually learn something new or see spanking from a different view if you attend one of these classes. I believe they are free to parents.