you guys are whacked, im glad i got my pecker cut on when i was born, who the hell wants a wrinkled, skin flapping in the wind pecker? and you need to beat the shit out of kids or they wont learn, if you think sending them to their room is punishment and that they will learn their lesson from that then you are truly clueless, back in the day parents used to get the belt out and beat kids, and back then their was respect, now we got these liberal pansy ass cock suckers telling us its not right to beat kids, its not politically correct, well all you can suck a dick because you are dead fucking wrong, now go watch some more rosie odonnel then hand yourself form the nearest fucking tree. and nverbuff you cant correllate spanking your kid to chil abuse, thats fucking absurd, no ones talking about getting out a coat hanger and slashing the little shits within an inch of their life, you are foolish