Front squats can be uncomfortable for several people. . .they are for me as I can never get the form down. If you are looking to blitz the quads efficiently, I personally recommend these exercises.
Hack Squats: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
When performing hack squats, squat as low as possible. A close stance with feet forward will attack your lower and front quads like no other exercise. Hacks are great if you are wanting to specifically focus on your quads without placing additional stress on the lower back. If hacks do no work out. . .then. . .
Leg Presses: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
to get the fullest range of motion be sure to set the seat in the lowest position. I also recommend that you use a shoulder width stance and be sure to let the quads travel to the side of your chest. It is important that you do not go so deep where your lower back will roll out of the seat. Never lock out at the top, always keep continuous motion on the quads.
Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
This is a great exercise for isolating the quads, but do not expect to gain any strength in the hip area. These should be used to promote flood flow in the quads and around the knees before you start heavy squatting or leg pressing.
Back Squats: 3 x 10-15 reps
This is probably the best overall body developer out there. Be sure to sit back, keep torso straight, head up, and squat to parallel or to near parallel position. If you are looking to place more stress on the quads. . .use a closer stance.
Overall, there are a number of options that you can use. Find out what works for you and run with it: Good luck my friend!