New member
Age: 21
Height : 6ft 3
Weight : 230-235
BF % : estimate 16-20%
BF % Goal : 10-12%
Quick Notes
- ex football linemen
- used to be 40+% BF
- cut down to 235 from 265 over the course of 3-4 years with diet and exercise and some OTC supplements
- ran clen before
- ran ECA before
- first cycle was Test P/Winny 8 weeks earlier this year @ beginning of summer ( 250mg TestP a week + 50mg Winny EOD )
-pct was 4 weeks, nolva 40/20/10/10
- don't measure my food but I do eyeball proportions
Diet Example
8am breakfast - 4 whole Amish eggs 2 Amish egg whites, 1 medium sized tomato, 1-2tbsp of peanut butter or a handful of almonds
10am - syntha 6 shake with water , small handful of almonds
12-1pm - meal 1 (chicken, broccoli, cauliflower) small handful of almonds
3-5pm meal 2 ^^ same as above usually
lift followed by cardio, cardio is a switch up between stair master, incline walk treadmill, and elliptical. I run a mile//sometimes to jog sprint walks for a mile then do anywhere from 15-45mins of cardio on a machine after
Post workout : 1 heaping scoop ON Whey Gold Standard and sometimes banana...sometimes peanut butter too)
When I get home I will eat another meal usually meat and veggies... I will throw in sweet potatoes or slices of whole grain bread with my meals from time to time
Before Bed : 1scoop syntha 6 , sometimes Greek yogurt or almonds
Overall my diet during the week is on point. I eat meat and veggies typically and sometimes complex carbs around my workouts...
My weekends I like to go out drinking, I like eating sweets sometimes, I usually cheat hard Sunday.
My last year to year and a half has been the most serious I have taken my training and diet regimen. Also the most gains produced during this time. Started working for a large franchise gym about a year and a half ago which pushes me further to represent the ideal image of a healthy fit person vs that giant ogre linemen Lol
For the most part my diet isn't perfect but I'm not looking to step on a stage anytime soon, it's fairly clean with exceptions of cheating sometimes on weekends..
So what I'm seeking is advice from an honest bro on what I should do next? Should I wait more for another cycle? Should I run some clen? Ephedra? Or some other fat burning compounds before considering a cycle? Should I run nothing at all ? Although I love chemicals and the wonders they do for the body
Half of me says wait the other half of me says make that order! (Not gunna lie juice is the shit, nothing better than the feeling that changes are happening after every workout and the pump you get from juice)
I know many bros at the gym running different things and I'm just looking for an outside opinion on what I should do next.
Please don't flame or get mad for no reason, I've properly researched and looked into everything I've done so far and know some good knowledgable/reputable people that have helped me throughout my way. One thing I do wish was that I as run the Winny at a lower BF% however i did make lean mass gains on it and strength gains that I have still kept till today for the most part.
PS- have a bottle of erase pro laying around, also am concerned whether I have gyno from puberty or if I just have fat on my chest. For the most part the main place my body has fat is on chest and stomach
Thanks in advance,
Johnny Bravo
Age: 21
Height : 6ft 3
Weight : 230-235
BF % : estimate 16-20%
BF % Goal : 10-12%
Quick Notes
- ex football linemen
- used to be 40+% BF
- cut down to 235 from 265 over the course of 3-4 years with diet and exercise and some OTC supplements
- ran clen before
- ran ECA before
- first cycle was Test P/Winny 8 weeks earlier this year @ beginning of summer ( 250mg TestP a week + 50mg Winny EOD )
-pct was 4 weeks, nolva 40/20/10/10
- don't measure my food but I do eyeball proportions
Diet Example
8am breakfast - 4 whole Amish eggs 2 Amish egg whites, 1 medium sized tomato, 1-2tbsp of peanut butter or a handful of almonds
10am - syntha 6 shake with water , small handful of almonds
12-1pm - meal 1 (chicken, broccoli, cauliflower) small handful of almonds
3-5pm meal 2 ^^ same as above usually
lift followed by cardio, cardio is a switch up between stair master, incline walk treadmill, and elliptical. I run a mile//sometimes to jog sprint walks for a mile then do anywhere from 15-45mins of cardio on a machine after
Post workout : 1 heaping scoop ON Whey Gold Standard and sometimes banana...sometimes peanut butter too)
When I get home I will eat another meal usually meat and veggies... I will throw in sweet potatoes or slices of whole grain bread with my meals from time to time
Before Bed : 1scoop syntha 6 , sometimes Greek yogurt or almonds
Overall my diet during the week is on point. I eat meat and veggies typically and sometimes complex carbs around my workouts...
My weekends I like to go out drinking, I like eating sweets sometimes, I usually cheat hard Sunday.
My last year to year and a half has been the most serious I have taken my training and diet regimen. Also the most gains produced during this time. Started working for a large franchise gym about a year and a half ago which pushes me further to represent the ideal image of a healthy fit person vs that giant ogre linemen Lol
For the most part my diet isn't perfect but I'm not looking to step on a stage anytime soon, it's fairly clean with exceptions of cheating sometimes on weekends..
So what I'm seeking is advice from an honest bro on what I should do next? Should I wait more for another cycle? Should I run some clen? Ephedra? Or some other fat burning compounds before considering a cycle? Should I run nothing at all ? Although I love chemicals and the wonders they do for the body

Half of me says wait the other half of me says make that order! (Not gunna lie juice is the shit, nothing better than the feeling that changes are happening after every workout and the pump you get from juice)
I know many bros at the gym running different things and I'm just looking for an outside opinion on what I should do next.
Please don't flame or get mad for no reason, I've properly researched and looked into everything I've done so far and know some good knowledgable/reputable people that have helped me throughout my way. One thing I do wish was that I as run the Winny at a lower BF% however i did make lean mass gains on it and strength gains that I have still kept till today for the most part.
PS- have a bottle of erase pro laying around, also am concerned whether I have gyno from puberty or if I just have fat on my chest. For the most part the main place my body has fat is on chest and stomach
Thanks in advance,
Johnny Bravo