This is my last post on this subject, we are not getting anywhere.
Most of what you said has been said before, and i have replied to it, i guess you failed to understand. If that is the case, re0read my posts. However, you did bring up some new points, and i will adress them.
"at this time, how does your body concern itself with prolonged survival, when your body, being an efficient machine, is in the midst of searching for an immediate means of energy?If it doesn't get immediate energy to keep up with the stress and stay alive, it's not going to geta chance to survive for a prolonged period of time. Now with that in mind, if it needs immediate energy, why is it going to go for muscle (protein) at 4 cals a gram when it can get 9 from fat? More calories per gram = greater efficiency. Makes no sense. "
The bodies sole purpose is survival. Everything the body does is to benefit survival. Everything. Once glyogen is burned, the next immediate energy source is MUSCLE. I've explained this to you already.
"Now cackerot, I'm sorry, but I never ever heard your theory from anyone, and i neevr read it anywhere. if you say it's true, then why in the world do you not see your method reccommended anywhere, and virtually every site and book tells you to do it on an empty stomach?"
Why do you see people spreading the myth of muscle shaping, toning, working the different parts of muscles (upper and lower pecs)? Becuase people don't apply basic physiology to what they are doing, it's not very hard to understand. Fat is more important for survival than that 1lb a muscle you put on in the past month through training.
"i'm sure despite what you think, people have done it with success, and there has to have been studies done on people other than obese middle aged women like you say. Scientists study everything, i doubt they'd pass this up, and I'm sure you probably find some kind of scientific data somewhere if you lookextremely hard.."
If you can find a study, i would be glad to read it - good luck, becuase it doesn't exist. You will lose fat by doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, of course you will, but at the cost of increased lean muscle mass loss.
"Well you guys can and will 'theorize' all you want about this stuff. The bottom line is to try it and see. MindGame was asking for some cuttng advice, not bulking advice. I do the traditional "no starchy carbs afetr 3pm) and "cardio first thing in the morning" when I'm cutting for shows. I lose very little muscle this way, and lots of fat. So as my boss is fond of saying "it may work in practice, but it won't work in theory"."
Are you on AS? Just curious. This WILL work, but the cons are greater than the pros.
"There is really no doubt that the body will burn more fat when insulin levels are low, and glycogen stores are depleted. How you achieve this state of optimal fat-burning is up to you. You can use insulin, ketogenic diets, am cardio or a combo of all 3. Cardio after weight training also works. The important thing in any of these situations is that you have some protein after these events."
Yes, it will burn more fat, and it will burn more muscle. The muscle will go faster than the fat.
"I won't go into the tedious biochemistry here, but breakdown of muscle as a part of muscle "remodelling" is probably one of the most important aspects of muscle growth/maintenance in the right environment. In other words, short-term catabolism can lead to long term muscle growth/maintenance if you play your cards right."
This is only the case with weight training, you stimulate contractile hypertrophy by tearing down muscle fibers, and they "remodel" and supercompensate in case of future stress. This does not mean that burning muscle as energy is a good thing.
As i said, This is my last post on this topic. I hope you all learned something.