Day 13
Thursday, January 4, 2007
incline db press (3x8) 45,45,50
standing alternating db curls (3x10) 25
pec deck (3x8) 90
incline hammer curls (3x8) 30
decline db press (2x8,1x10) 40,40,45
flat flys (3x8) 25
21's (3x21) ez bar + 30,30:14 20:7,20
db press strip set 50-->15
Funny story that happened this morning.
I came into my office this morning and my lifting gloves were hanging on my door and tied up in a pair of shoe laces. Well, there were about 15 knots in the laces so I said screw it and just cut the laces. So I went to breakfast and came back and thought it was pretty funny until my coworker goes, "yeh, that was pretty funny especially since they were your own laces" I look down at my sneakers sitting under my desk and sure enough they were my laces. I was LIVID!!! I went to the guy's office and told him I wanted laces by 8:30, and I think it was already 8:23. Looking back on it though, it was pretty damn funny. The guy came down to my office and put his own shoe laces in my shoes for me.