GG- i've had one after i had a miscarriage. it was a pinch during the process. nothing bad. then afterwards it was like regular cramps, but a little worse. You'll be fine- like annabelle said, you'll just take it easy but you'll really be fine.
Me too and i experience no discomfort.. not even cramping
Sugarplum said:
GG- i've had one after i had a miscarriage. it was a pinch during the process. nothing bad. then afterwards it was like regular cramps, but a little worse. You'll be fine- like annabelle said, you'll just take it easy but you'll really be fine.
I had one in Dec 2001 and if i remember correctly, i had it because I had irregular periods. They did everything to find out why but they couldnt. I think it was stress in a bad marriage but oh well...... anyway after I had it, i think i cramped a little afterwards, but i was fine for a while thereafter.
The first period i had was the heaviest bleeding i have ever had! I bled so much that it scared me and i called the dr and they assured me it was normal. Youll be fine chicken girl get it done and get everything straightened out and let me know what happens. luv ya gf
Hey anyone here ever had a D & C and what should I expect? I have to have that and a hystroscopy(sp) and possible laproscopy later...having problems with my periods lasting sometimes up to 10 days and just had spotting this month
a d&d is not a big deal and realy the same for a loroscopy, but they should do both before a hysterectomy is even we have the order confused?
It is a histrostcopy (sP) they still a scope in there to look at the insides while they do the d&C so I waited and now I have my period which is heavy and painful and remeber why I need to go in lol