Hi All,
Would like to hear from someone with similar stats and noting how they improved past plateaus. Genuinely want to hear from people that are around my size and again, have had the experience pushing past phases where they were already at a 'prime'.
I've provided some photos, current, and from the past to give you an idea re: improvement over the years.
The last time I had a thorough scan was in 2018, I live in Sydney Australia, and the unfortunate reality with Covid really messed up my plans for the past year and a half when I was on the verge of getting a pro card. This scan shows I was around the 8% b.f. mark holding 84 kilos at 163 cm... This was not during a prep, more so just during a clean bulk phase. I generally compete in the U80kgs mens open.
Obviously not the tallest guy, but I am at a point where I feel my progression is slowly lacking. It could just be myself mentally not appreciating where I'm at now, though there are still definitely points where I think I can make improvements; literally everywhere on the body, though for my frame, my arms has always been a weak point whilst the rest, especially my legs grow pretty easily.
Earlier this year our economy was open as was our gyms, and I decided to get in wicked condition to start competing both in Australia and New Zealand (the only other country I can travel to)...
Delta hit our shores (trying not to be vocally racist here) - And once again in the midst of a prep; we get locked down...
With everything closed I took the opportunity to give my body a rest and for about 6 weeks I was just taking 1ml (250mg) test E a week to maintain. I have had bloods done, in addition to heart tests, ecg, plus a ct scan with iodine, fortunately everything is spot on, noting no heart enlargement issues etc.
I have just started the following:
- 750mg test E (an increase from my usual 400mg cyp, have been told by a couple of friends that my test is too low)
- 300mg NPP
- 50mg Anadrol daily
- 5iu hgh daily (generics)
- 10iu-20iu novomix daily (insulin)
(out of novorapid right now but dont plan on using them until gyms open)
We are hoping for the gyms to open up possibly next month, for the past 2-3 months I've been training in my home gym, of course nothing like the real thing such as a large gym (mostly the photos taken inside are most recent).
Diet is as you would expect from what is shown in the photos...Mostly clean food, significant amount of calories, lots of protein, moderate carbs, and low fats (this has always worked well for me, I've tried higher fats in the past and all I did was just increase body fat).
Goal: Trying to break through this plateau and would like to hit 90kgs whilst being in good shape (I find it pointless being fat and then claiming 'oh look at me I'm 100kg'). This is significant for 163cms height but of course not impossible...
I will admit, there are some days where I may not eat enough, I believe being locked down inside due to covid has had an effect, not as hungry, though I'm fortunate to have a treadmill in the house as well as my rack, weights, bars etc - and I will still go for walks for mental health, cardio health, blood flow and so on.
--> Overall thoughts?
--> Increase GH?
--> Do I need to eat twice as much?
--> Is my progression ok or am I expecting a bit too much?
--> For those that were at a similar point with me, was it a time thing?

Would like to hear from someone with similar stats and noting how they improved past plateaus. Genuinely want to hear from people that are around my size and again, have had the experience pushing past phases where they were already at a 'prime'.
I've provided some photos, current, and from the past to give you an idea re: improvement over the years.
The last time I had a thorough scan was in 2018, I live in Sydney Australia, and the unfortunate reality with Covid really messed up my plans for the past year and a half when I was on the verge of getting a pro card. This scan shows I was around the 8% b.f. mark holding 84 kilos at 163 cm... This was not during a prep, more so just during a clean bulk phase. I generally compete in the U80kgs mens open.
Obviously not the tallest guy, but I am at a point where I feel my progression is slowly lacking. It could just be myself mentally not appreciating where I'm at now, though there are still definitely points where I think I can make improvements; literally everywhere on the body, though for my frame, my arms has always been a weak point whilst the rest, especially my legs grow pretty easily.
Earlier this year our economy was open as was our gyms, and I decided to get in wicked condition to start competing both in Australia and New Zealand (the only other country I can travel to)...
Delta hit our shores (trying not to be vocally racist here) - And once again in the midst of a prep; we get locked down...
With everything closed I took the opportunity to give my body a rest and for about 6 weeks I was just taking 1ml (250mg) test E a week to maintain. I have had bloods done, in addition to heart tests, ecg, plus a ct scan with iodine, fortunately everything is spot on, noting no heart enlargement issues etc.
I have just started the following:
- 750mg test E (an increase from my usual 400mg cyp, have been told by a couple of friends that my test is too low)
- 300mg NPP
- 50mg Anadrol daily
- 5iu hgh daily (generics)
- 10iu-20iu novomix daily (insulin)
(out of novorapid right now but dont plan on using them until gyms open)
We are hoping for the gyms to open up possibly next month, for the past 2-3 months I've been training in my home gym, of course nothing like the real thing such as a large gym (mostly the photos taken inside are most recent).
Diet is as you would expect from what is shown in the photos...Mostly clean food, significant amount of calories, lots of protein, moderate carbs, and low fats (this has always worked well for me, I've tried higher fats in the past and all I did was just increase body fat).
Goal: Trying to break through this plateau and would like to hit 90kgs whilst being in good shape (I find it pointless being fat and then claiming 'oh look at me I'm 100kg'). This is significant for 163cms height but of course not impossible...
I will admit, there are some days where I may not eat enough, I believe being locked down inside due to covid has had an effect, not as hungry, though I'm fortunate to have a treadmill in the house as well as my rack, weights, bars etc - and I will still go for walks for mental health, cardio health, blood flow and so on.
--> Overall thoughts?
--> Increase GH?
--> Do I need to eat twice as much?
--> Is my progression ok or am I expecting a bit too much?
--> For those that were at a similar point with me, was it a time thing?