Atkins is not the king-god of ketogenic diets. Yes, it is effective, but no one can convince me that it is the optimal keto. First of all, Atkins places minimal emphasis on quality of fats. If a person was to replace the heavy cream he uses on the Atkins program with omega3 acids, the results from that change alone would be staggering. However, this goes against Atkins target audience: fat, middle-aged women that don't want to exercise. Atkins has to make his diet both appealing and effective. In doing this, the Atkins program becomes sub-optimal, to say the least.
Secondly, an extended SKD, by definition, will have a decrease in lipolysis and an increase in protein breakdown in relation to the duration of the diet. Staying on the Atkins diet for a year means huge loses in body proteins. Most of the lipolysis occurs in the virginal stages of an SKD. This is why CKD's, etc. have become so popular among athletes.
Point: The Atkins diet may be effective if you want to sacrifice body weight at the Altar of Protein Breakdown, but don't expect it to be a part of a true bodybuilder's regimen.
Boy, I bet that pissed some people off.