Same here. 4-6 in the morning, 2-4 during the day, and 0-2 in the evening depending on what I am cooking. I make it a goal to eat at least 6 a day even when traveling.
the body uses cholesterol to make hormones
if you're not "on" then this is beneficial
if you're active you don't have to worry about cholesterol too much
dietary cholesterol really has little impact on your cholesterol levels
those are affected by lifestyle more so
4 whole eggs poached on whole wheat toast every morning and then as a snack during the day I might have another 1 or 2 soft boiled that I keep in the fridge for just this occassion. Great way to avoid hunger and as has been said if your not eating the whole egg you are just wasting the best part.
mix and match. If it's the morning I have no time and the thought of eating a big meal makes me feel sick, so 8 egg whites, pint of milk, some oats and a bannana all blended up. Any other time I'm all about the poached whole eggs.