Question of the Month:
Q. I have heard a lot about eating clean. As someone relatively new to the fitness scene, I’d like to know what eating clean means and how do you do it?
Expert's Response
Welcome to Oxygen and a healthy new, fitness lifestyle. Prepare for the magic of transforming your physique with excellent nutrition and proper exercise. You have chosen well. Now it’s a matter of learning about the “clean eating” discipline that accompanies it.
Eating clean refers to consuming high quality foods not containing sugars, fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients. Compare clean eating to fueling a high quality ultra performance sports car. The car won’t perform well unless you fill it with the highest-grade gasoline. Similarly your body won’t function effectively or look good if you feed it inferior quality foods.
The basis of eating clean involves consuming lean protein along with complex carbohydrates at every meal. The quantity of protein should approximate the size of the palm of your hand. The most important meal of the day is breakfast which should be balanced with oatmeal topped with berries followed by egg whites. Lunches and dinners should contain protein from excellent sources like chicken breast, turkey, pork or beef tenderloin, fish and egg whites. Each meal must include fresh fruits and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates like these ensure proper utilization of protein, essential for building lean muscle mass.
Drink plenty – two to three liters – of water each day. A non-active person loses two liters throughout the normal course of a day but if you are exercising regularly you must drink more.
Snacking is the great North American past time so become aware of how to handle the munchies. Clean snacks include the age-old apple, perfect for satiating hunger pangs with loads of soluble fiber. Unsalted nuts - cashews, almonds and walnuts also make good snacks but don’t think just because they are healthy you can eat them by the pound. A few nuts will do! Remember, to reshape your physique the body must shed fat and that means enduring some hunger pangs to get results at least in the early stages.
The magic combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates must be eaten at regular two or three hour intervals throughout the day for superior body reshaping results. In other words, you must eat more high quality foods to lose weight. Eating clean does not mean eating less. In all probability you will eat more than was your previous habit.
Your biggest challenge when eating clean will be adopting the habit of preparing foods to take with you for the day; a discipline you must acquire if you are serious about physique renovation. Prepare extra chicken breasts, tuna salad and chopped vegetables so you can readily pack them into a Tupperware container. I always prepare “planned leftovers” so that I’m never in a panic about what to eat. Stow in a cooler and you’re off.
Q. I have heard a lot about eating clean. As someone relatively new to the fitness scene, I’d like to know what eating clean means and how do you do it?
Expert's Response
Welcome to Oxygen and a healthy new, fitness lifestyle. Prepare for the magic of transforming your physique with excellent nutrition and proper exercise. You have chosen well. Now it’s a matter of learning about the “clean eating” discipline that accompanies it.
Eating clean refers to consuming high quality foods not containing sugars, fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients. Compare clean eating to fueling a high quality ultra performance sports car. The car won’t perform well unless you fill it with the highest-grade gasoline. Similarly your body won’t function effectively or look good if you feed it inferior quality foods.
The basis of eating clean involves consuming lean protein along with complex carbohydrates at every meal. The quantity of protein should approximate the size of the palm of your hand. The most important meal of the day is breakfast which should be balanced with oatmeal topped with berries followed by egg whites. Lunches and dinners should contain protein from excellent sources like chicken breast, turkey, pork or beef tenderloin, fish and egg whites. Each meal must include fresh fruits and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates like these ensure proper utilization of protein, essential for building lean muscle mass.
Drink plenty – two to three liters – of water each day. A non-active person loses two liters throughout the normal course of a day but if you are exercising regularly you must drink more.
Snacking is the great North American past time so become aware of how to handle the munchies. Clean snacks include the age-old apple, perfect for satiating hunger pangs with loads of soluble fiber. Unsalted nuts - cashews, almonds and walnuts also make good snacks but don’t think just because they are healthy you can eat them by the pound. A few nuts will do! Remember, to reshape your physique the body must shed fat and that means enduring some hunger pangs to get results at least in the early stages.
The magic combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates must be eaten at regular two or three hour intervals throughout the day for superior body reshaping results. In other words, you must eat more high quality foods to lose weight. Eating clean does not mean eating less. In all probability you will eat more than was your previous habit.
Your biggest challenge when eating clean will be adopting the habit of preparing foods to take with you for the day; a discipline you must acquire if you are serious about physique renovation. Prepare extra chicken breasts, tuna salad and chopped vegetables so you can readily pack them into a Tupperware container. I always prepare “planned leftovers” so that I’m never in a panic about what to eat. Stow in a cooler and you’re off.