Day 31 - Hittin it extra hard!!
I felt nice and refreshed again today except for my back being out of place. That can be a real hinderance when it gets to the point it is at but other than that, I was feeling excellent.
I had already decided that I was going to do some hardcore cardio today ( I guess I do everyday) but today even more... So I started with the elliptical for 60 minutes, 8 miles on level 8. Then I went to the circuits... I did a 4 set circuit to start which consisted of Standing Up downs and butt kick jumps. I did four sets each, 25's on the up downs and 30 on the butt kick jumps... I had minimal rest in between each set... Up downs truly are a bicchhhh but they really help to shred... Then I did a straight butt kick jump circuit... 4 sets, only 30 seconds in between each set... 30 jumps each... I was definitely feeling great after this one!
So today was back and triceps. I was wanting to really hit them hard today and that's exactly what I did!
Superset: Standing dumbbell back extensions: 80 x 10, 80 x 10, 85 x 10, 85x10
Standing single arm dumbbell tricep kicks: 60 x10, 65x10, 70 x 10, 75x10
Triple set: Bodymaster hammer strength low row (invert grip) : 115x10, 115x10, 120x10, 125x10
Overhead medicine ball power throw: 3 sets 20, 20, 20
Lower back extension: 45x12, 45x12,45x12
Superset: Bodymaster dips: 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
Medicine ball diamond push ups: 30, 30, 30, 30
Single arm inverted rotary lat pulldown: 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
TRX Band Tricep Extension: 12, 12, 12, 12
Single arm cable back extension: 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10
So I started off heavy on my first superset with dumbbell back extensions. I really get a nice burn on those and I give them a 3-4 second hold to really work the back. I got up to 85's today, which was a big set.
I set a PR on my tricep kicks. The last set which was a PR, on 75 was extremely tough, but I nailed it!
The bodymaster low row with an inverted grip really works the back nicely. I set a PR on the third set at 120 and added to it at 125 on the last set...
I like the overhead powerball throws because its a muscle endurance builder for your back... I like to add in explosive exercises and this is definitely one of those...
I did my normal three sets of back extensions with a 45 lb. plate...
This next superset was BY FAR the most difficult of the day. I had max weight on the dip machine at 250 and then supersetting that with diamond pushups with my hands in the diamond on the medicine ball was just tough. When you do these by themselves they are hard but supersetting them with dips is extremely tough. I had a huge tricep burn going on after this one but I loved the way they were looking!
The single arm rotary lats are excellent for giving that V shape for your back. I had max weight on this at 250...
They just added the TRX bands in at the gym so I definitely wanted to utilize those with overhead tricep extensions. These are extremely tough and I did all four sets at 12 reps each. I will be incorporating these bands into my workouts now that we have them.
I finished with single arm cable back extensions. I had max weight on these at 150 and this was a great way to finish a strong workout...
This was another very productive workout for me. My strength is rising and my energy is as well. I am feeling really good all throughout the day and especially during my workout. I am still trying to make as much progress as possible...
I AIM FOR PERFECTION... I know this is crazy to some, but since Perfection is impossible, you always have something to shoot for and that's how I look at it everyday. Everyday is a chance to make progress so I take full advantage of all the blessed days I have to be able to improve and try to make the most out of each and every day and workout... I will continue to push harder and harder each and every day! All feedback appreciated!!