Day 19 - More Strength and Shred!!
So today I felt pretty good when I got up... I was pretty hyped about my strength increase from yesterday and I was ready to see if it carried over to today...
I was also happy today because I felt like I was holding less water and felt less bloated... I realize that on this cycle there is going to be some slight retention and I have to make a few sacrifices here but I try to keep it to as minimal as I can... I think for the most part, everything is looking pretty dry but trust me, a guy like me notices everything little thing and I analyze everything I do... I tweaked a few things in my diet as well... Nothing too major but a few things I think will be of assistance...
So today for cardio I started with a long stairclimb. I did 50 minutes on the stairclimber on level 13 and had a really nice sweat going... Then it was CIRCUIT TIME... This was another hardcore circuit... Here is the layout...
Start the treadmill at 12.0 mph... I did 5 sprints, 30 seconds, rest 30 and so on... Then I jump off the treadmill and do 25 burpees... Then back for 5 sprints, back to burpees... This was a 4 set circuit and by the end, I was definitely feeling it! so in total, 20 sprints and 100 burpees... this was all continuous movement too... the only rest i had was in between sprints or switching from treadmill to ground... I really feel it is important to start incorporating more circuits like this to give my body a shock and also because running over and over and over, the same long distance run is not doing as much because my body is adapting to it so i like to mix all of these in and I can really tell the benefit of it...
So today was shoulders and traps and I knew from my first set of shoulders today that it was going to be a really strong day... I started with a super set of smith machine shoulder presses and dumbbell alternate arm straight arm forward lateral raises...
My PR on smith shoulder presses was 215 x 10 so I decided to just go ahead and start with that to assess where my strength had moved since I last did these... I felt like i didn't get much out of the first set because I threw it up there so easy... So the next two sets I did 220 x 10 and I felt I could hit 225 x 10 and nailed it... 225 x 10 on smith machine shoulder presses... To me, thats big weight... Too be honest, I think I could have gone up to 230 on it but I was very happy with 225...
I did my first three sets of forward lateral raises at 65 x 10 and finished at 70 x 10, which was another PR for me... People were looking at me like I was nuts on this... Thats a lot of weight for foward lateral raises!
Next superset I did was standing dumbbell shoulder presses with a 10 second negative on each rep and standing dumbbell straight arm side lateral raises... I did my first set of negatives at 45 x 10 and did the next three seat at 50 x 10... I have noticed a lot of extra muscle growth from incorporating negatives in my routine and it gives a lot of extra muscular endurance as well, which is very nice...
I did all four sets of straight arm side lateral raises at 50 x 10... My vascularity on these is nothing short of amazing... These are very difficult and that is big weight for these and it definitely gets my shoulders going!
Next I did a superset of alternate arm dumbbell shoulder presses and the bodymaster bent arm lateral raise machine. My PR on alternate arm dumbbell presses was 70 x 10, so I started with that weight... I moved to 75 x 10 the next two sets and finished with a new PR of 80 x 10 on alternate arm shoulder presses... That is such a big increase on a very difficult exercise...
I started the bent arm lateral raise machine at 140 x 10 the first two sets, then moved to 145 x 10 and finished at 150 x 10, which was the max weight of the machine and a new PR...
Next I did dumbbell shrugs... I did all four sets at 130 x 10, nice and smooth reps and definitely saw a lot of improvement in my traps...
I finished on the rotary shoulder press machine. I did all four sets at 205 x 10...
This workout was such a great success today... I had so much increase in power on my lifts... I felt great and I also was very happy with the feeling of less water as well... I have a few pics from today as well... All feedback appreciated!!