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Does Deca help repair joints / ligaments or just mask symptoms?

thebadguy54 said:
Do you guys think it's good for your joints?

What other food/supp's are guys eating/taking for healthy joints?

For repair and as antiflamatory vitamins c,a and e are good and a natural prodct from newchapter called zyflamend is very efficent also u could add some glucosamine.
I reccomend GH for tendon and ligament repair. Deca and even eq will increase synovial fluid in joints.

Flax oil is wicked for joints. Even add msm, glucosamine and chondroitin but It never really did anything for me. Flax and fish oil is such an effective anti-inflammatory that it will actually hinder muscle growth in some cases.(depending on dosage obviously).

many mma guy like stephan bonner and royce gracie were caught taking nandrolone. For the life I cant understand why you would take one of the most checked for steroids on the planet and take one that is in the body the longest. I mean it works great for aching joints but come on.
Found this tidbit which may help on Deca and collagen repair.

Collagen synthesis in postmenopausal women during therapy with anabolic steroid or female sex hormones.

Hassager C, Jensen LT, Pødenphant J, Riis BJ, Christiansen C.

Department of Clinical Chemistry, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The effect of anabolic steroid therapy and estrogen-progestogen substitution therapy on serum concentration of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide (PIIINP), a measure of collagen synthesis, in postmenopausal women was studied in two double-blind studies: (1) 39 women allocated to treatment with either 50 mg nandrolone decanoate as an intramuscular depot or placebo injections every third week for 1 year, and (2) 40 women allocated to receive either 2 mg 17 beta-estradiol plus 1 mg norethisterone acetate daily or placebo tablets for 1 year. Serum PIIINP was measured every 3 months during the study. Anabolic steroid therapy resulted in a more than 50% increase (P less than .001) in serum PIIINP at 3 months, which thereafter decayed but remained significantly increased throughout the study period. Serum PIIINP showed the same pattern during estrogen-progestogen therapy, but to a lesser degree. We conclude that anabolic steroids stimulate type III collagen synthesis in postmenopausal women, while estrogen-progestogen therapy may have such an effect, but only to a lesser degree.

Collagen synthesis in postmenopausal women during ...[Metabolism. 1990] - PubMed Result
Last one on this topic by Author L. Rea - chemical muscle enhancement(good book by the way)

Q1: Can GH be used to heal damaged cartilage? I was thinking about doing a stack of Deca, Gh and D-BOl for this purpose to heal my shoulder. Thank you.

A1: It appears that pretty much any hard-core athlete worth the protein in a Snickers bar has or is experiencing the profound soft tissue pains their dedication to progress brings with the results. Regardless of age or body type, all except the weenies in Dolphin shorts at one time or another have had need to choose between pain relievers and progress…and/or sometimes simply giving up.

Decrease Pain But Not A Cure

Some use one of the many specific COX-2 inhibitors (like Viox and Celebrex) or a non-specific COX inhibitor (such as Motrin) to reduce inflammation and subsequent pain. Others opt to employ Nubain or simply smoke a fatty. (The prior is not a cortisol inhibitor and the latter increases total estrogens due to structure. So blown or bitchy as a result of use) In either case, the use of a drug merely to mask the sensation of pain is in no way progress positive.

Growth Goodies For Joints?

Several studies have shown that GH and IGF-1 induce tissue growth within soft tissue and joints regardless of age. In fact, though most already know about GH/IGF-1 and permanent muscle tissue growth, few know that the long-term effects upon soft tissue are just as profound…if the right nutrients are available. (Huh?)

Diets Feed Joints Too!

Obviously diet is a crucial factor in over all health and athletic progress. In the case of soft tissue health, adequate supplies of vitamin A, B-6, C and of course E plus the minerals copper, zinc, selenium and manganese are mandatory. Joint tissues include the common collagen structures known as tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Synovial fluids act like oil to provide lubrication for smooth, comfortable motion. Vitamins A, C and E and selenium and zinc are antioxidants that perform specific joint tissue maintenance functions. Other antioxidants such as ALA can help also. If you are not getting at least the recommended daily intake (RDI) of the noted vitamins and minerals in your diet, you should be supplementing. A good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement should suffice.
Got A Dog?

An OTC veterinary product called Cosequin is one of the best glucosamine-chondroitin products available in my opinion. Most would assume that it is simply just another of many such products but it also contains a few cofactors that make it more effective. 4-6 caps daily provide an excellent soft tissue nutrient supply.

There are a number of treatments that can be used for soft tissue damage such as arthritis. In particular is the relatively new drug called Cartrophen Vet or pentosan (pentosan polysulphate sodium). This drug is one of the most effective and it even has a very good success rate in 8 out of every 10 dogs! Yup, another veterinary drug has been employed by athletes.

Pentosan can be administered subcutaneous, intramuscularly and locally. It appears to possess some very effectual direct anti-inflammatory activity. Due to its ability to inhibition lytic enzymes, and by increasing synovial fluid viscosity/volume, it acts synergistically with most other chemistry intended for soft tissue repair. Though this means preventative value, pentosan also significantly stimulates chondrocytes while increasing the biosynthesis of proteoglycans, as well as possessing strong fibrinolytic activity (joint matrix parts & pieces and repair activity).

*Though the drug pentosan is available in tablet form as well, my personal experiences have been that the use of the injectable form produces better results.

Nandrolone For Joints?

Almost anyone who has used nandrolone decanoate can attest to the profound increase in joint function and comfort. As a rule many AAS do have a positive effect upon joint function but nandrolone does so in a complementary way for rehabilitation. This is due to the increase in synovial fluid production that facilitates movement the way oil eases a door hinge. Naturally the increase in cellular protein synthesis in soft tissues is a nice plus as well.
I've heard equipoise is also good for joints, but more for collagen synthesis than increased synovial fluid.
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