Hey Deciever-
Heres my two cents worth of what works if you give a damn:
1) Use goodmornings regularly. There are enough variations of
this that you can rotate a different one each week and not go
stale. I've been experimenting with these off the pins in a rack
and think they are going to do great.
2) Deads off of 100lb plates or box. I dont have trouble off the
floor, but I feel these improve on my start and speed. I do
these working up to singles every third or 4th week.
3) The MAIN ASSISTANCE exercise that has helped me the most
is partial(or Dimmel)deadlifts for high reps. I will use roughly 50-
75% of my deadlift max, andwork up to 10-15 reps. Try and use
a narrow stance, push through you heels, and squeeze the F"
out of your glutes and hams through the whole rep. Maintain an
upright posture and fight through the pain!
4) A couple more things to consider--Lotsa Lotsa abs. My
opinion is a big belly is a strong belly. BOX SQUATS-will
hit the stuff needed for a big dead. CLOSE STANCE PAUSE
SQUATS- take these deep, pause for a three count, explode up
using mostly leg strength..I think this helps the start.
Hope this gives you some new ideas. If any of this works for
you, or you find something else that does, be sure and give it
back to the board. Im always open to new Ideas that might
help. Sorry if Ive rambled on to much.