Well, I would go so far as to say it's one of the best, most well-rounded programs created. Most trainees on the program experience some of the best strength and size gains of their life.
When you say you're not a fan of it personally, does that mean you've tried it? If not, tell me what strikes you as ineffective about the program.
See, the thing is...it will work at first...and then you'll come back and say it's the shit. But IMO it won't last the test of time. If you keep the intensity high all the time, you're body adapts...it needs more variation. DC disregards an important part of any good routine, volume.
Quoting Charles Poliquin: "One must force adaptation of the neuromuscular system through volume and then stimulate it through intensity."
By well-rounded I meant that both the strength and size gains are substantial, rather than just one of the two. It also incorporates a great loaded stretching program.
If it weren't a great stimulus for hypertrophy, then I don't think DC would be 300 muscular lbs.
Its amazing to me how people criticize this program when they haven't tried it or they are not performing it properly.
People are not following this program correctly because:
1. they are missing the specifics in the training protocol
2. rep schemes are off
3. Not knowing when to perform rest pause, negatives, and static holds
4. failing to perform extreme stretches
5. failing to comply with a diet plan
6. the inability to devote 100 percent in terms of mental and physical energy
I am willing to bet that 85 percent of the people who claim they are following DC training are missing out on key points.
When someone comes and says, I can't feel it. . .then obviously its the trainers fault.
When I look at your routine and your comments, I don't see any attributes of DC.
I am sorry, but you better read word for word on the specifics of the program. . .not what is listed in the sticky, but from the cycle for pennies website.
Based on your program, it seems substandard and incomplete without sufficient details. You say nothing about rest pause, extreme stretches, or static holds.
By well-rounded I meant that both the strength and size gains are substantial, rather than just one of the two. It also incorporates a great loaded stretching program.
If it weren't a great stimulus for hypertrophy, then I don't think DC would be 300 muscular lbs.
I am sorry, but you better read word for word on the specifics of the program. . .not what is listed in the sticky, but from the cycle for pennies website.
I trust you bro...seriously. I'm not bashing the program, I'm sure it works. But there are some flaws, IMO. I actually do something very similar. The thing that i don't like about the article is that every time he talks about other programs he assumes high volume, low intensity...that's not what everyone does.
High intensity works...I use it in my program, but I also use high volume, moderate volume, low volume, moderate intensity, low intensity...And I feel that is key to making gains. I also train each body part twice in about a week, so I have just as many growth periods, or whatever he calls them.
And I periodize the volume and intensity, changing about every 4 weeks or so...sometimes longer if i feel the need.