I have a huge level of respect for dylan so I'm not going to comment on much besides speaking for myself here.
Dylan has spoken to me countless times for hours at a time over the years and he has taught me alot.
My whole approach and mindset of low dosage for everything i use was me learning and soaking in the free knowledge he would kindly drop on me.
I dont want to take sides ot anything, i feel its important to understand dylan is passionate about people and keeping them healthy, safe and educated I see nothing but positive things doing that for people so they can use compounds safely and know what to do and not to do.
Dylan is an excellent teacher and did it for free with me in many conversations over the years he is a great man and person is all I will say about that.
What i do and what a pro might do or run is drastically different so we must keep that in mind when we help people with cycle questions.
I have no beef or issues with anyone and I enjoy working with everyone every day so don't take anything I said as shots because I am not taking shots or talking badly on any man. I just feel we need to come correctly and think about the impact we have on people and this community it is so important we do this right for us and for everyone.
I would hope everyone commenting and try to help me on my journey would give me ethical advice that would minimize side effects and give me recommendations based on keeping my health at the forefront and not expose me to ridiculous dosage protocols and compounds that aren't for me or my experience level.
I would hope that our community as a whole would care about people enough to give them safe logical advice and plans with the questions I or they might ask.
A man can do what they want speaking wise or action wise, it is not my place to say what they can or can't do, I will offer safe advice on things I know and not give advice on things I don't know, what that person does with the help is up to them.
I feel we have as people and a community a moral and ethical obligation to give safe and sound advice and make sure we educate others correctly.
I personally could not sleep at night or be ok If I gave someone hurtful reckless advice, it isn't who I am or what I stand for in my own personal beliefs.
I love this place all my logs are on this place , I love the community and the people I get to speak with daily who are on the same journey as I am, it is motivation and inspiration for me and many others. I think we need to keep all these things in mind when we post and help.
Just my opinions I hope you all
Stay positive and rock & roll
