Bikini Mod
New member
GL, you have obviously seen way too many Maury shows if you have the script downpat.
Funny on the one hand, but on the other hand I dont get how these shameless WHORES can drag their innocent children onto national TV to be humiliated again and again because the bitch can't remember how many dudes or who the dudes were that she spread her legs for in any given 6 week period.
All I can say is that if these guys had HALF a brain (which clearly all of these people are flailing around in the shallow end of the gene pool) how they could stick their dick into a pussy that has a pink neon vacancy sign dangling from it without wrapping their shit 10 x's over.... I mean that is just nasty.
I think it is even sadder when you get two young trailer park virgins that hate each other up and down while the guy who screwed them both then went packing sits there with a shit-eating grin.
Finally, I dont understand how these females feel any sort of vindication that they proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in front of God and everybody else that watches daytime TV that *this particular loser* is the one that fathered HER child. Do they think they just won something? Fucker doesn't have a brain or a job so what kind of support (emotional or financial) are they expecting to get?