New member
i have pretty awsome genetics, i think i'm a mesomorph, thing is i've never really watched my diet or trained w/ a set routine and still got pretty big. This time i'm trying to get this all worked out so i can get the best gains possible while on cycle. I'll be doing dbol first few weeks, 750mg of ICN's for 10 weeks, fina during the middle of the cycle, and winny towards the end. I'm around 6" and 200lbs and maybe 8% bf.
Day 1: Back/Biceps/Forearms
Day 2: Chest/triceps
Day 3: Legs/Shoulders/Traps
I’m debating on whether to do shoulders on chest/tri day or leg day. Abs will be done everyday.
2 days on, 1 day off
8-12 reps w/ heavy weight any good? I really don’t know around how many reps to do for most mass gain while on cycle.
4 sets of Deadlifts
4 sets of barbell rows
2 sets of Lat Pulldowns
2 sets of seated machine rows
4 sets of Barbell curls
3 sets of preacher curls
3 sets of spider curls
2 sets of incline bench curls
2 sets of barbell curls
2 sets of behind curls
2 sets of hammer curls
5 sets of squats
3 sets of leg presses
2 sets seated leg curls
2 sets of calf raises
3 sets military dumbell presses
3 sets side raises
2 sets of front raises
2 sets upright rows
2 sets shrugs
3 sets Bench press
3 sets Incline press
3 sets dumbell press
3 sets Incline dumbbell press
3 Sets Skull crushers
3 sets tricep pushdown
2 sets overhead tricep extension
2 sets of single hand pushdowns
2 sets of reverse single hand pushdowns
Day 1: Back/Biceps/Forearms
Day 2: Chest/triceps
Day 3: Legs/Shoulders/Traps
I’m debating on whether to do shoulders on chest/tri day or leg day. Abs will be done everyday.
2 days on, 1 day off
8-12 reps w/ heavy weight any good? I really don’t know around how many reps to do for most mass gain while on cycle.
4 sets of Deadlifts
4 sets of barbell rows
2 sets of Lat Pulldowns
2 sets of seated machine rows
4 sets of Barbell curls
3 sets of preacher curls
3 sets of spider curls
2 sets of incline bench curls
2 sets of barbell curls
2 sets of behind curls
2 sets of hammer curls
5 sets of squats
3 sets of leg presses
2 sets seated leg curls
2 sets of calf raises
3 sets military dumbell presses
3 sets side raises
2 sets of front raises
2 sets upright rows
2 sets shrugs
3 sets Bench press
3 sets Incline press
3 sets dumbell press
3 sets Incline dumbbell press
3 Sets Skull crushers
3 sets tricep pushdown
2 sets overhead tricep extension
2 sets of single hand pushdowns
2 sets of reverse single hand pushdowns