10.68 is a hell of a time for the 100! This is a question that always draws plenty of different answers. This senior sprinter I've been following is getting really good results from low-moderate doses of Anavar and Winstrol. A test prop/Winstrol cycle could also produce some pretty good results.
However, Winny gives many a "dry" feeling (reduction in anti-inflammatory processes) in their joints which makes it an iffy proposition for sprinters. Other cycle combos you could try include test/oral turinabol, test/Aanvar and test/equipoise.
If you were to run any of these, I'd keep dosages low to low-moderate to minimize side effects, bulking, and crazy pumps that could forces you to quit workouts early. Here's just one example:
Weeks 1-10: test prop 250mg EW
Weeks 1-6: Anavar 40mg ED
Testosterone propionate is good because it stays in your system longer; but you'll also be pinning far more with this than other test esters.
Yeah I see but I think wwinstrol would be a big no no
I have seen what that stuff does
It's blows joints and tendons up seen that first hand
Though I have herd anavar is good fr sprinters
So I might give that a go with test prop
Don't blame you for not taking Winstrol as a sprinter. A lot of sprinters run var, which, when combined with test prop, would make for a powerful cycle. Good luck!
Don't blame you for not taking Winstrol as a sprinter. A lot of sprinters run var, which, when combined with test prop, would make for a powerful cycle. Good luck!