captain...i dont know you. ive never even read a post by you (im just getting back to this board after 10 years). what i do know is your situation sucks. i can type a long drawn out response and jump on the "fuck her" or "leave that bitch" bandwagon, but i wont.
what i will tell you is, like you, in all my years i have neither considered nor wanted any type of counseling in relation to my personal life from some stranger ive nvr met.
that being said, my now ex fiance and i started going to counseling. i was 100% against it at first. we tried 3,4 or 5 different ones until we found one that "got" us. she was great. we enjoyed our time with her and she taught us how to communicate to each other (which became obvious we had no clue how to do). that relationship was on/off for 10 years, the best of which were in counseling.
our issues didnt involve cheating and we werent married (not on paper anyway)...but imo, you will have to make a decision if you can/will get over what has happened. she has to be genuine on ger side as well. once/if you decide to get over it, do whatever it takes to work the issue out and move on with your lives. if you hold it over her head and keep that resenment you feel now, it will nvr wrk even if you say youre over it.
it has to be 110% effort from both sides to get past it. find a great counselor who relates to yall in some way (not just in a by the book psycoloicial way). get everything out there. EVERYTHING.
some people would nvr be able to really get over a situation like that (by some people i mean me)....but each person and situation is different.
get to the ROOT CAUSE of the indiscretion and go from there. if you really want to work it out i wish you the best of luck my friend. its a horrible situation and will definitely take a lot of time and dedication from both parties to get past. improbable, but NOT impossible.
...ok, so that got longer than i expected.
...and please excuse typos. im on my phone