Yeah, common is the word I'm looking for. That is what I meant. She basically told me that it's common and that it happens in over half of marriages and a lot of marriages survive it and come out the other end stronger. Asked me what kind of person I was going to be, someone that let something common destroy me or something that I could handle. People let each other down. That is unfortunately, common.
It's not that common. She should pick up a book.
Taken together, in any given year, it looks like the actual likelihood of your relationship suffering from cheating is low — probably less than a 6 percent chance.
But over the course of your entire relationship, the chances of infidelity may rise to as much as 25 percent. Twenty-five percent — over the course of an entire relationship — is a far cry from the 50 percent number we hear from many so-called professionals and services trying to sell you something.
How Common is Cheating & Infidelity Really? | World of Psychology