Was it too much to capitalize the "C"?
You're not entirely right but not wrong. She had withdrawn from him and was not talking to him or returning his calls or not meeting for lunch and a quickie in the back of his Prius. So he had always threatened to come to me and tell me what was going on. She finally said fine if that's what you're going to do. He reached out to me through me email asking if I wanted to know the truth about their relationship (I never liked the guy but didn't know their work "friendship" was a "fuck/suck-ship"). I asked her wtf this was all about and she finally broke down and told me everything because she knew he would.
In the past his threats had always kept her coming back to him because she thought I would leave so it was a vicious cycle she was caught in and couldn't get out. He knew how to play her vulnerabilities. She has past family issues with her mom and dad so (finding this out through therapy) it was easy for her to compartmentalize what she did at work with him and forget about it and come home to me.
It wasn't like every day they would go to lunch and hook up, it was off and on over four years, it's still awful and completely fucked up but it wasn't every day for four years. Anything more than once is too much though.