SteelWeaver - Right now I just incresed my carbs for 4 weeks to re-charge before I start my 16 week diet. As far as my carb-up is concerened I've followed basically the same carb-up for the last 3 years and I've gotten different results each year. For my diet I'm planning on starting out with approx 100 of carbs, 190 protein and 20 fat. Most of my carbs are for breakfast and after training with the reamining meals very low carbs. I eat 6-7 meals a day and train 4 days a week with weights. My cardio will begin with 30 minutes a day first thing in the morning before eating anything. I agree with dieslgrl about not changing things too much for the last week, but it's interesting to know what others do. When's your show SteelWeaver?