Ok ladies.. I am glad that you respect my experience...
what I did last time is NOT what I will do this time... what I did:
I dropped my sodium TOO early, two weeks out... which this year, I will drop only sunday, maybe Monday, maybe tuesday, still haven't decided.
I dropped my carbs Sunday until Wednesday to 50g the first day, and 35 for the other days. Thursday I stayed conservative and ate 100g carbs (what I dieted on), then Friday I doubled it to 200grams... my last day of training was wednesday.
Sunday through Wednesday, I water loaded (doubled to 2.5-3 gallons).... started my first diuretic wednesday night... (probably too early)... began dropping my water intake on thursday... drank just a bit more than what I got rid of... Friday I drank less and less water as the day passed, taking 1 dyazide every eight hours.... Saturday morning I barely drank anything.... I don't think I had anything more than what went down my throat after brushing my teeth....
continued with the carbs... was nice and dry for prejudging, but was holding a tiny bit of water for finals.. I did come in flat, so I might have been too conservative, or took too many diuretics.
What I will probably do this time.... decrease carbs again, water load again... not dropping sodium until the last week...
I will on wednesday drop my protein probably down to 100grams, and increase carb intake to 300 thursday and 400 for friday.... instead of sticking with yams for carb-up, I will probably use rice cakes or white potatoes... still no salt. I will use 1/2 dyazides instead of whole ones, but keep a better eye on what is happening as to when I should take another... I will probably again take my first wednesday night.... and drop my water out in the same fasion... I am considering trying out dimidex, but will experiment with that two or three weeks out....
you want to be ready three weeks out so you can experiment.. this is my theory for what I will do this time, but EVERYTHING is subject to change.
hope this gives a little insight on what REALLY happens that last week... hell, I might not do anything different the last week, except for cutting water and taking diuretics and eating a few more carbs....
we'll just have to see...