haha the cycle is going good. The diet is going fair. Yes I get my protien in but right now I have to settle to 3-4 big meals a day, instead of 6. But soon that will change. I cant complain about my results. I have not put on any fat, and have gained hope for about 15 lean pounds of muscle. I dont look that much bigger in a mirror because everything porportionally went up. And I am fine with that. Still got plenty of chub on me but I know what I have to do to take care of it and I dont really care that I have it. My girlfriend also doesnt really care about my AS use. Sure she doesnt like it, but when we are having sex she sure does. Lotta quanity going on there
. The only thing that I am dissapointed in was that my bench didnt get above 260 yet. Maybe by the end of cycle. I am running it for 12 weeks. Still no bad sides, with little bloat. I gotta eat then go lift. Then nap, then club, then sleep, then back to work. Hows all going with you guys?