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Not sure how long this link will be on --- then look under the "Free Video" on the right.
They introduce a national level diving athlete who developed bulemia after her coach told her she needed to lose some weight. The whole jist is basically more of female athlete triad - the bullshit where coaches, media, others tell or imply to female athletes that to excel they need to be sure to not gain weight. As a result they start to starve themselves and sometimes a whole culture of binge / purge or plain old starve evolves.
So now some universities and other organizations have coach & staff who are trained to recognize eating disorders to help athletes deal w/ them.
That's all nice, but what just continues to torque the fuck out of me is why they are trained to recognize eating disorders but apparently arent' trained to provide not just coaching for the particular sport, but the healthy diet that would provide the appropriate fuel to support excellence in execution of the sport.
WTF?? Do we not on an hourly basis state how crtiical diet is your body's ability to perform the desired function optimlally on these boards -- and these mutherlovin coaches can't assimilate even the basics of nutrition to instill in their athletes instead of waiting until a promising career and personal self-esteem is destroyed by a comment such as "don't you'd do better / the media / audience / whoever the fuck would like you better if you lost a little weight?" from a coach or someone viewed as an authority, a mentor or a hero to these girls???
It is truly amazing how ignorant those, even the elite of variuos sports, are still about as intelligent as a pile of dog shit when it comes to body / diet / training and execution? --- then look under the "Free Video" on the right.
They introduce a national level diving athlete who developed bulemia after her coach told her she needed to lose some weight. The whole jist is basically more of female athlete triad - the bullshit where coaches, media, others tell or imply to female athletes that to excel they need to be sure to not gain weight. As a result they start to starve themselves and sometimes a whole culture of binge / purge or plain old starve evolves.
So now some universities and other organizations have coach & staff who are trained to recognize eating disorders to help athletes deal w/ them.
That's all nice, but what just continues to torque the fuck out of me is why they are trained to recognize eating disorders but apparently arent' trained to provide not just coaching for the particular sport, but the healthy diet that would provide the appropriate fuel to support excellence in execution of the sport.
WTF?? Do we not on an hourly basis state how crtiical diet is your body's ability to perform the desired function optimlally on these boards -- and these mutherlovin coaches can't assimilate even the basics of nutrition to instill in their athletes instead of waiting until a promising career and personal self-esteem is destroyed by a comment such as "don't you'd do better / the media / audience / whoever the fuck would like you better if you lost a little weight?" from a coach or someone viewed as an authority, a mentor or a hero to these girls???
It is truly amazing how ignorant those, even the elite of variuos sports, are still about as intelligent as a pile of dog shit when it comes to body / diet / training and execution?