If you can eat the oatmeal, does that cause acid reflux?
I know that you are comparing your intake w/ guys at work - I'm comparing your intake to mine for competition. I eat 5-6 meals w/ 35 g protein in every one of them - this is 4 oz chicken or 12 oz of fish, 6 egg whites, etc. I eat broccoli by the ton but also include a couple meals w/ 3 oz yams or potatos and also often include 1/2 c oatmeal. I don't know the portion size of these meals - can you put this into a food counts program like
www.fitday.com - its a free online account to add up all the total calories, protein , fat, carbs that you consume and that shows you REALLY what you eat.
The only reason I am really pursuing this is because, like i said, you are willing to ingest a controlled substance so I think that you should also take the time to take a good look at your diet and identify any easy changes you can make to get nearly the same results as w/ the clen but w/o the clen. No cost, no nervousness, no headaches, and its a habit change that you can maintain. Say you lose some bodyfat on a clen cycle, then you come off and go back to your same diet? Your body will probably settle back to the bodyfat level that you have w/ your diet now.
Here's one thing to keep in mind when you compare what you are doign to what a competitive BB does - competitors are dieting down & runnign cycles of stuff to look a certain way on a certain time of day on competition day. They fully expect to rebound and do NOT expect to maintain that look and the results of the diet & any supps (oTC or otherwise) after their show day. People who don't compete seem to think that whatever a competitor does, they can do & maintain the results. The methods are viewed as the same but the expectations are different.