Started my cycle on Friday so here it is
1 - 8 test proponaite 400mg ew
8- 11 test proponaite 300mg ew
1-8 primobolan 400mg ew
8-11 primobolan 300mg ew
1-11 winny 150mg ew
7-11 anavar 180mg ew
1-5 clenbutrol 20 Ed
1-17 HGH 4ui Ed
2-11 proviron 50 Ed
Now for pct I have hcg in hand, gonna get adex soon, wanna get hcgenerate and post cycle and unleashed but hcgenerate is out of stock and can't ship any liquids to my country, so they have to be pills.
What do u guys think of the above? And should. Start the hcg at 500iu on the third week with the adex or leave the adex for pct and start the hcg o the 3rd week upto the week 11 and wait 2 weeks to start pct with adex? And what other pct do u recommend?