Look at you keeping me on my toes, THANK YOU!
Sorry I forgot the rest of my meals today, kinda looks like all the other day, well, cause it is the same except the roast beef and I moved some of the order. it is 1390 cals still with the same ratio!
I went for a walk today pulling the kids in the wagon and I almost coughed up a lung (yum yum) I still don't know about cardio yet, arrrrr
3 eggs whites
1 egg
1/2 cup all bran + 1/2 cup of milk
1 tbsp of flaxseed
1 cup of tuna
1 scoop of gatorade
1/2 cup of plain fat free yogurt
1/2 cup of yam
hIDN, JEN- yup nuked away! supper was great and soo was the company!
Shadow- training is not giving me anything until tuesday and told me not to do anything until tuesday due to my chest infection (kinda agree with her there, it is still not good) but I am going to stick to your diet anyway. She has to give me the diet on tuesday though cause I prepaid for the nutrition part in april so it will be an interesting comparision. After this week is a new workout.