They come here to suck up the welfare and medicaid systems.
Break it down for a min.
Say you work a shit job for 10 bucks an hour cash(and that's shooting very low)how can any body survive on that right??
Welfare leeches here in tx get about 1200 a month plus "wic" plus severely subsidized housing(think $200 for rent) and subsidized utilities.
Hmmm....1600 for 40 hrs work plus 1200?? thats $2800!!!!
thats fucking more than i make and i am a national and state board certified Pharmacy technician.
But I actually pay taxes and insurance for my wife and son.
and by the way I spent 3 hrs sick as a dog in the ER waiting for all the hispanics to fuck the system and us tax payers with medicaid.
Not one of those kids had much more than a sniffle