pintoca said:FG, you have to adapt, you don't live anymore in your home-country so you make compromises. Little ones: You learn the local language, abide the local rules, stop making comparations (ohh, in my country this is so much better...) and try to blend while remaining true to your roots that is all.
Our son is named Daniel, no second name (as it'S cutomary in Vzla), why Daniel? because Daniel sounds the same in Spanish, German and English... it'S the little things you do that set the difference. WHen you have kids is even more complicated, kids don't want to feel different, so it's a balance act to teach both cultures and form a single identity. What you are is not dictated by your paperwork but by your upbringing and the society where you live
I agree with you............. karma if I could. I take back my 'you can leave' barb.