Anytime you single-out a group of people based on a common characteristic, you are giving them a group identity. It doesn't matter if its the color of their skin, the religion they practice, the or the vice they participate in.
Now... once you give these people a group identity, deciding something needs to be "done" about them turns them into victims. Overnight, they become the oppressed... the downtrodden. "Opressed" people mobilize. "Opressed" people vote. "Opressed" people become politically active.
The legal latin population is by far the fastest growing population segment in our country. As they become Americans, we want them doing what the majority of other americans do: Display a broad array of political interests. We want them concerned about the economy... taxes... their children's education... foreign policy... abortion... the role of religion in society. Instead, all these "kick them illegals out" people are going to turn them into single-issue voters. Then, instead of participating in the political process in a balanced way, they'll become a voting block. Then, as a voting block, the politicians will line-up to see who can suck the latino voting block's political cock the best. Is that what you really want? If so, keep pounding away because that will be the end result.
Sad thing is... the "send them home" crowd will be howling louder than ever as politicians pander to these people harder than ever -- and the "send them home" people won't even have a clue that it was their efforts that made all this possible.
Nothing like a good enemy to galvanize a people. Hell, I wish we had the USSR back.