Well since we were talking about who was stronger in EM's log, I'll continue it here. How strong are you Saibot? I've seen your log but I haven't seen you max out yet so just curious. Out of the people who keep logs here, I'd say the Alcatraz is the strongest, then Gladiator, then Andalite (overall, although his bench is weak), then either oso or me(oso has a higher squat, but my bench is higher and our one rep max deadlift is about the same), then extra mile, then jdid(but EM you better heal quickly because jdid is catching up to you. Not sure where Saibot would go because I don't know his maxes. But how long have you all worked out? I have worked out for one year now, starting last Janurary. However I have only been benching for like half a year, and only deadlifting and squatting for 4 months or so.
Ok my best lifts are:
475lbs sumo squats for 3 reps, a 335lbs oly squat for 2 reps (and i mean oly squat in like my ass being stopped by my calves with belt and knee bands) .
A close stance deads with 475lbs, Rack pulls with 515lbs (lowest pin and on a step) 1x20 with 100lbs dumbells SLDL and i also do sumo deads with 465lbs.
Bench press is 265lbs (it sucks i know) inclined is 245lbs low inclined bench is 105lbs dumbells for reps
Dips is 6 reps with 100lbs and 25 reps body weight
Chinups it's more than 20reps bodyweight and 4 with 45lbs added
One arm rows with 130lbs dumbell for 8 reps
Behind neck push press with more than 200lbs (attempted 225lbs but twisted a lombar not cool and have been psicologically limited since then)
Pinwheell curls with 100lbs dumbells too haha.
But my real thing is personal training, teaching others our ways, i own my gym for a couple of months now and i can make it work even online EM is the proof haha.