If you can help it, do it on an empty stomach before you eat. It gets a little hard to get the work out in before you start getting really hungry if its your normal time to eat. But before / empty stomach is better.
If you can help it, do it on an empty stomach before you eat. It gets a little hard to get the work out in before you start getting really hungry if its your normal time to eat. But before / empty stomach is better.
Hey Sass - I've been reading more & more articles saying that although empty-stomach cardio utilizes more fat during the cardio, at a steady pace, it overall doesn't use more calories then if you had eaten, so the articles are basically now recommending eating first......thoughts??
Yeah. It really is up to the individual. I know Lifterforlife got down to 4% bodyfat for his competition and came in second in his weight class by doing cardio at midnight after work and consuming all of his meals. Do whatever you feel more comfortable doing and fits into your schedule the easiest.
Not sure there's really a RIGHT or WRONG answer to this. More of a personal preference and how YOUR body responds. Lost 60+lbs doing my cardio on an empty tum (in addition with diet and stuff)...but as of late...I've noticed my body reacting differently. I eat 3 egg whites before cardio and 3 egg whites immediately after before I do breakfast.