hey sorry for making another thread basically about the same thing they just keep dying and nobody posts in them so i can't get them any attention, i know it seems like im disregarding what you guys are saying but im not.
Yesterday at the gym I was doing super 20 rep squat routine whatever its called, and i was talking to some big guys at the gym, the big guy told me that super setting like I am doing is good for cutting and stuff because it burns more calories than going on a treadmill would, i told him my goal was to get big and bulky, so he told me that diet is key, eat lots of carbs and calories/protein, and do 4 heavy sets of 6-8 reps. I think his split was Chest/Tris then Legs/Bis then Shoulders/Back. He was a big guy so it was hard not to take his advice, I was just wondering if anyone on here could help me come up with exercises to do since I basically have no idea what the good exercises are and what works best, i'm pretty small and I'm looking to get much bigger. my arms are only 12 inches around :l and I wanna get to 16 inches around ATLEAST which i know is going to take a long time so I wanna bulk.. so what would be a good routine to follow
chest/tris monday
legs bis wednesday
shoulders back friday
two days rest then back again.
Yesterday at the gym I was doing super 20 rep squat routine whatever its called, and i was talking to some big guys at the gym, the big guy told me that super setting like I am doing is good for cutting and stuff because it burns more calories than going on a treadmill would, i told him my goal was to get big and bulky, so he told me that diet is key, eat lots of carbs and calories/protein, and do 4 heavy sets of 6-8 reps. I think his split was Chest/Tris then Legs/Bis then Shoulders/Back. He was a big guy so it was hard not to take his advice, I was just wondering if anyone on here could help me come up with exercises to do since I basically have no idea what the good exercises are and what works best, i'm pretty small and I'm looking to get much bigger. my arms are only 12 inches around :l and I wanna get to 16 inches around ATLEAST which i know is going to take a long time so I wanna bulk.. so what would be a good routine to follow
chest/tris monday
legs bis wednesday
shoulders back friday
two days rest then back again.